Senior Lactation Consultant (she/her)

SERVICE AREAS: Fauquier and Warren Counties, Haymarket and Gainsville, VA

Rachel grew up in Upstate NY and obtained her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Fairleigh Dickenson University in NJ. She and her husband were married after graduation and spent one year in Williamsburg, VA. They then moved to Syracuse, NY, for her husband to attend grad/law school. This is where she welcomed their first child and had the wonderful experience of finding La Leche League (LLL) while she was pregnant and quickly decided breastfeeding was the only way to go.

After a disappointing birth experience, Rachel was confronted with breastfeeding difficulties. She was devastated at the idea of not being able to breastfeed her son. She didn’t have to worry long as the hospital sent a lifesaver in the form of a Lactation Consultant who assured Rachel she would be able to breastfeed and supported her every step of the way.

Rachel’s family moved to Fauquier County 25 years ago and she immediately looked for a local LLL group. Two years later she decided to become an LLL leader and has been doing this in one form or another since then. She had two more children who breastfed beautifully. Rachel spent many years loving life as a stay-at-home mom, but in 2011, when her children were all in school, she became an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Rachel’s hope is to be that supportive person who makes a difference in the lives of mothers and their babies.


Email: [email protected]

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